World Happiness Week 2023 in Zaragoza: 17-22 March

morning walk fresh air

Zaragoza is the World Happiness Capital of 2023, having the privilege to host the World Happiness Fest 2023 edition.

This is great news since, in many respects, the year 2021 has been difficult. A global health catastrophe ravaged the globe, disturbing almost everyone’s everyday routine. Racial injustices, intolerance, and inequities on almost every level, as well as climate change, economic crises, and other factors, have only compounded the situation. Regardless of where we live on the planet, the year 2021 shocked us all to our core.

As such, in 2023 we should focus on healing. 

Globe Happiness Week answers to this call, by organizing a global event that takes place in over 80 locations across the world digitally. 

World Happiness Week, which runs from March 17th to March 22nd, encourages us to celebrate happiness and bring some much-needed balance into our lives.

What We Should Expect?

Every year, World Happiness Week is celebrated across the world. The World Happiness Foundation, an organization devoted to assisting government and industry leaders in developing innovative policies to promote happiness and well-being for everyone, is hosting this online event.

The Foundation promotes two UN resolutions in collaboration with the United Nations University for Peace:

• 66/281 – International Day of Happiness 

• 65/309 – Happiness: Towards a Holistic Approach to Development

One of the most diversified polycentric forums is World Happiness Week, which reached around 10 million individuals across 72 countries by 2021!

The Week consisted of a variety of digital and in-person activities (where permitted owing to COVID-19 constraints). Education, technology, science, business, politics, art, music, and other topics were explored by leading specialists in happiness and well-being. Society Happiness Week, in collaboration with the United Nations University for Peace, the International Positive Education Network, Tecmilenio, IIT KGP, Transtech, and more than 300 institutions, focuses on the future – creating a world where everyone is free, happy, and aware.

World Happiness Week is divided into four sections.

• Agoras on a Global Scale

The term ‘agora’ comes from Ancient Greek and means ‘public gathering place.’ During Globe Happiness Week, over 80 agoras were held in over 40 countries throughout the world, each with its own set of activities.

• Conscious Kids Fest

For the Happiness Week’s youngest participants, a live event is organized in Spain. Yoga, live music, artists, games, nutritious cuisine, face painting, and a variety of other kid-friendly activities were among the activities enjoyed by the children.

• The Main Stage

Participants attended lectures and seminars, danced to live music and DJs, ate wonderful cuisine, learned from mindful merchants, and much more around the center stage in Zaragoza, Spain.

• Summit on the Digital

Finally, World Happiness Week is the most well-known and accessible event dedicated to happiness and well-being. Anyone may participate in the free online summit!

All of the subjects, lectures, and workshops had the same goal: to bring about systemic change in order to combat social inequities and environmental issues. The UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals are aligned with the activities of the World Happiness Foundation.

The Importance of World Happiness Week

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the negativity in today’s world. The conventional and social media places a premium on controversy and sensationalism, and bad (and fake) news spreads in the blink of an eye. World economies are unconcerned about natural resources or societal relationships, and they are all too ready to promote excessive consumerism.

There appears to be nothing that can keep you afloat whether you’re overburdened with work, suffering from a bodily or mental ailment, or just feeling more depleted and lost than before.

The Goal of World Happiness Week is to change that.

All of the event’s prominent speakers are there to deliver long-term, sustainable answers. World Happiness Week pushes us to a brighter, more pleasant future by correcting society’s broken underpinnings and learning new skills to help us deal with the stresses of reality.

World Happiness Week keeps you informed on recent developments in healthcare, technology, education, social effect, public policy, and other disciplines. All of the knowledge you retain will have an impact on how you see the world. They will lead you ahead and may even have an impact on the following steps you take in life.

Day 1: Workplace Happiness

According to studies, an average individual spends one third of their whole lives! 

It’s no surprise that the sort of job you perform and the setting in which you work have a big influence on your overall happiness. Not only that, but the success of every company is inextricably related to the happiness of its personnel. Workers who are overworked, anxious, underpaid, frustrated, or unwell are unable to perform at their best, resulting in a considerable decline in organizational performance.

It’s one of the reasons why firms as diverse as IBM, Google, Deloitte, and others have named Chief Happiness and Chief Mindfulness Officers.

The majority of these jobs were created because someone wished to teach their employees about the benefits of mindfulness. The advantages of such a position, on the other hand, are immeasurable. Chief Mindfulness Officers are responsible for assisting their staff in managing their thoughts, emotions, and energies as well as developing self-awareness. Distractions from the digital world must also be managed, since they stifle creativity and productivity.

Day 2: Emotional & Physical Well-Being

If there’s one thing the year 2021 has taught us, it’s the value of physical fitness. The COVID19 epidemic has claimed the lives of nearly 5 million individuals throughout the world. To save life and guard against illness, social separation, wearing masks, frequent hand-washing, and disinfection have become the norm.

Across the world, healthcare systems have been overwhelmed and immobilized, delaying or withholding crucial treatment for other patients. Physical health has never been under such jeopardy as it is now.

Mental health, on the other hand, should not be disregarded. More individuals are unhappy and frightened as a result of the pandemic, employment uncertainty, and the impending danger of illness and death. Not only that, but more individuals are feeling alone and lonely as a result of travel limitations and social distance regulations.

Day 2 of World Happiness Week focused on Mental and Physical Health as a result of this alarming statistics. It was devoted to giving the most up-to-date and relevant healthcare information to participants. Individuals seeking to better their physical and emotional well-being were included in the target group, which included not just healthcare professionals.

Day 3: Educating for Positive Change

One of the numerous flaws with global education systems is that they are uniform and one-size-fits-all. Rather of pushing every young individual to fit into the same mold, we should take a more positive approach to education, including positive psychology ideas into the curriculum.

On the third day of World Happiness Week, guests learned about education that helps young people discover their purpose, improve their social and emotional skills, and strengthen their character. After all, tomorrow’s leaders are today’s youngsters. Positive education will have a huge influence on their lives and development.

Educators, parents, and other persons received a fresh perspective on education and recognized its full potential by listening to our speakers.

Day 4: Social Impact – The Environment

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals outline the efforts we must take to protect the planet we call home. We must halt the destruction of nature by recycling, utilizing sustainable forms of transportation, putting a stop to global warming, planting trees, and minimizing the usage of plastic bags.

The focus of Day 4 of World Happiness Week was on making a good influence on the environment. To do so, however, we must first establish a connection with our inner selves. Sustainability specialists, social connection researchers, and corporate executives who dream of a healthy world are among the speakers on this day.

What, on the other hand, does a healthy world imply for humanity? The fourth day focused on helping people understand what they can do to aid the process. It doesn’t have to be difficult in any way!

Day 5: Transformative Technologies 

There isn’t a single industry that evolves at a faster rate than technology. From robots to virtual reality to artificial intelligence to biotechnology, advancements in this sector may be both exciting and terrifying. They do, however, have enormous promise for assisting people in evolving and flourishing.

On Day 5 of World Happiness Week, we spoke with experts, engineers, and developers in transformational technologies to best prepare ourselves for what’s coming and figure out how to incorporate new tech in a manner that improves rather than hinders our lives.

Day 6: Government Policies and the Economy

Real change can only take place if public policy encourages it. Participants meet on the last day of World Happiness Week to discuss global issues and the particular difficulties that each nation confronts.

To further human growth, political leaders communicate their ideas, viewpoints, best practices, future objectives, and effective solutions. Of course, the United Nations resolutions are at the heart of this day (as they are in all of them), and happiness and well-being are the primary concerns.

It’s time to reconnect (again). Let’s work together to build a happy future.

Join us in creating a world where everyone has access to freedom, awareness, and happiness.

Visit to register.

This article was first published by World Happiness Foundation on January 28, 2022, 13:53 GMT.

Picture of Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo wasn't always happy and struggled with his own negative emotions, anxieties, and depression, until one day he pledged to resolve this part of life, whatever it took. The journey took 6 years, but it was worth it. Today, Roman considers himself to be one of the happiest people alive, part of the 1% of the happiest elite, and he now teaches others a working and universal happiness formula to reach a similar goal. He offers his best advice on Optimal Happiness social media, newsletter, blog, and books, and teaches a complete and unconditional happiness formula in his online courses.

“The problem is that of optimization,” states Roman Russo, author of Optimal Happiness: The Fastest & Surest Way To Reach Your Happiest Potential. There is plenty of advice on how to be happier or less sad, but no one is speaking about how to become the happiest we can be. And this is the difference that makes all the difference. By not looking at our maximum potential for happiness, we fall short of achieving it. After all, we all have hundreds of ideas on how to be happier or less sad, but most people still feel like they are not living their best lives. As such, Optimal Happiness explores the question of how to be the happiest we can be, regardless of who we are, where we are from, and what our life circumstances are. It proposes a complete and unconditional formula for happiness and explains how you too can become happy today and forever, inviting you to join the 1% happiness elite and become one of the happiest people alive.

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