Why Do People Act Crazy? They Are Searching for Happiness

unconditional happiness

World is full of strange people who are doing all sorts of actions that we can consider for a lack of a better word “strange.”

The question “Why do people behave strangely?” can sound strange and ambiguous. Yet, it is at the heart of a more profound question, which is: “Why are we still unhappy?” Afterward, it is because we are unhappy that we behave strangely. Here are a few examples.

Examples of Why Do People Behave Strangely

When I say “people behave strangely,” I mean that they get tattoos, dress up in crazy styles, buy boats and monkeys (like Justin Bieber did), get funky hairstyles, or just act crazy in general. However, it is important to clarify that a truly “normal” and “complete” person would never consider doing any of these things if they were already truly happy and complete. People often engage in all sorts of crazy behaviors in their quest for what they want in life, even though they may not even know exactly what that is. They often chase something arbitrary that society or marketing has told them to chase, such as social validation. However, these goals are often too vague and undefined, which is why so many people feel lost in today’s world.

In the case of getting a tattoo, a person may think that tattoos look cool on others and want to see how they would look with one. It doesn’t necessarily have to have a direct or indirect impact on their desired life outcome. Perhaps it’s just a stepping stone towards achieving the desired result. In other words, it can be an experimental need, meant to test if they are heading in the right direction. They may conduct more experiments or run multiple experiments concurrently. Once the initial experiment is completed, a different experiment may follow, such as getting another tattoo or purchasing new jewelry. However, the underlying pattern remains the same:

  1. People feel unsatisfied and unhappy;
  2. They decide to do something about this negative feeling;
  3. They don’t know exactly what will give them happiness and life satisfaction; and therefore
  4. They will try something new to attain happiness or fulfillment.

Why Even the Rich People Behave Strangely 

Unconditional happiness. image of rich person

As such, the lack of something we can call completion, normality, or simply unconditional happiness comes from scarcity. Even wealthy people can forever chase more money, fancier experiences, and even more luxurious lifestyles for the sake of happiness. However, although these people are unlikely to complain about their lives right now, they will do so if suddenly all that luxury is taken away from them. In other words, rich people are often as unhappy and incomplete as the rest of the world. They just hide their insecurities better underneath all that money. Yet, money is just a means to an end, which is happiness. That is why a truly happy person will require a minimal amount of money to sustain themselves, as they are already happy.

As such, when I say that we don’t have enough, I mean that either: 

  1. We truly don’t have enough, for example, we don’t have enough money to buy food for ourselves and our family; or 
  2. We just think that we don’t have enough. 

However, more often than not, we already have too much, but society taught us never to be satisfied. This is, of course, why we want to be rich in the first place, forever chasing money or otherwise material experiences, trying to fill a black hole in the center of our being. 

Moreover, more often than not, the act of chasing money will make many people negative and depressed, with many of us never quite reaching that high level of materialistic income we desire. To this degree, the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus states that perhaps we should not even try to chase after something we know that we are unlikely to reach, so I should not aim to buy a five story yacht since it is unlikely that I will ever be able to afford one. In fact, by discarding many of these unrealistic and less than desired wants, we automatically become more complete and happier beings, because we stop living in scarcity. We start focusing on what really makes us happy and by doing these interesting tasks, we become happier. 

Becoming a Normal and Complete Person

This raises a next logical question, which is “What is normality and how can we become complete?”

  1. Basic needs: First, a complete person has to have all their basic needs satisfied. They have enough clothes, food, and a shelter. This does not have to be an expensive endeavor, as all these things can be acquired at relatively low cost. Here, I want to add that a balanced social lifestyle is also necessary, but this too does not require an extraordinary effort. Of course, in some extreme cases, we can even sleep on the streets and be happy in solitude, but for the time being, we aren’t going to focus on this extreme.
  1. Live in line with your purpose: Second, we need to have a purpose. In other words, we need to be doing something, even if what we are doing is nothing, as it is often done in some religious circles. Of course, the decision to do nothing must come from the center of our being, and it should be considered as one of the most important and relevant tasks we can do in the present moment for it to be considered a “purpose.” Sure enough, our purpose does not have to be too difficult. Just do the next most important thing you think you need to do and you will live in line with your purpose. Certainly, realizing what that the most important task should be may require some introspection, which in itself becomes the next more important task, to which point I recommend everyone to review their goals on a regular basis. 
  1. Stop working when you have enough: Lastly, to do all the above, we will need to have some money, but, often, we don’t need as much as most people think we need. For example, if my goal is to paint the next Mona Lisa, I may require some materials to do so, but these too can be acquired at a relatively low cost. Moreover, in order to pay my rent, I may need to find a job, for which I need to dress up accordingly, which also requires money. However, while we need certain financial investments, once we reach that required level of income, we can stop working because we already have enough, and instead focus our attention on (2) living in line with our purpose.

People Behave Strangely, but Unconditional Happiness Is Possible

Unconditional happiness. a group of people laughing

Overall, we need to have some money, but often, we don’t need that much. Even better, if we can work doing exactly what we want to do, while being surrounded by the right people, we will have a truly happy life. This setup may require some time to assemble, but it is certainly possible. Reversely, whenever we are doing something different, which is not in alignment with our being, we can act abnormally and even strangely. Certainly, we see enough people doing exactly that in our everyday lives. Some of these people can be even considered wealthy, but their happiness is conditional upon their constant need to make and spend money, which can make them behave strangely in the first place. To this extent, it is wise to stop chasing money, trying to afford something that we ultimately don’t think we can afford. 

Instead, it is better to live in line with our dreams, focusing on the next immediate most important tasks. This focused attention will put us on the correct path towards the most significant thing we can do, as we will figure what it is, eventually. It may not even require as much focus on money as most people believe they need. Instead, we can work only as much as we need until we earn enough to do what we want to do. Any further pursuit of money or material possessions can just waste our time, potential, and be detrimental to our emotional well-being, making us behave strangely.

Picture of Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo wasn't always happy and struggled with his own negative emotions, anxieties, and depression, until one day he pledged to resolve this part of life, whatever it took. The journey took 6 years, but it was worth it. Today, Roman considers himself to be one of the happiest people alive, part of the 1% of the happiest elite, and he now teaches others a working and universal happiness formula to reach a similar goal. He offers his best advice on Optimal Happiness social media, newsletter, blog, and books, and teaches a complete and unconditional happiness formula in his online courses.

“The problem is that of optimization,” states Roman Russo, author of Optimal Happiness: The Fastest & Surest Way To Reach Your Happiest Potential. There is plenty of advice on how to be happier or less sad, but no one is speaking about how to become the happiest we can be. And this is the difference that makes all the difference. By not looking at our maximum potential for happiness, we fall short of achieving it. After all, we all have hundreds of ideas on how to be happier or less sad, but most people still feel like they are not living their best lives. As such, Optimal Happiness explores the question of how to be the happiest we can be, regardless of who we are, where we are from, and what our life circumstances are. It proposes a complete and unconditional formula for happiness and explains how you too can become happy today and forever, inviting you to join the 1% happiness elite and become one of the happiest people alive.

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