The Smarter You Are the Sadder You Become? NOT!

The popular myth that “the smarter you are the sadder you become” is wrong, or at least it is misleading. It is true that the more we know the more we realize how bad the world really is. 

smarter you are the sadder you become

I mean, just look around: 

And this is just today’s news. I mean, do you even remember yesterday’s problems? And what about tomorrow? I’m sure something completely new will come out, which will shock and repulse us on a completely new level.

Facing this reality, it seems that it is better to be ignorant, as “ignorance is bliss,” as another popular saying goes.

In this way, the more we look at the world, the more we find, and the more depressed we become. This is logical and on this the premise on which the “the smarter you are the sadder you become” statement is built. 

“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know” – Ernest Hemingway

“The more you know, the sadder you get” – Stephen Colbert

“Sadness is caused by intelligence, the more you understand certain things, the more you wish you didn’t understand them” – Charles Bukowski

“Ignorance is bliss” – Thomas Gray

However, what this saying fails to address is what we can do to address all these problems. I mean, we can’t solve all human problems overnight and we aren’t trying to. Even in a utopian society, there will be problems (which is another reason we can be depressed), but here is the bright side.

We can be happy regardless of what is happening in the world. We can be happy regardless of who we are, when, or where we are from, which is the slogan of this blog. And this is the only sustainable way to be happy. It even addresses many problems that exist in society today. 

For one, happy people behave in a more ethical, sustainable, and altruistic fashion. They are no longer part of the problem and become part of the solution. This says that one person can make a difference and we need more people to exit the cycle of pain that exists in a society today (are you ready to do so?)

As such, we can become smarter and happier, not because we become ignorant of the many problems in the world, but because we learn how to deal with them in a complete and sustainable fashion. 

Moreover, ignorance does not completely shield us from unhappiness, if anything it shields us from potential solutions to the problem of unhappiness. I’d even say that it’s better to be a starter as at least it gives us a fighting chance at finding a solution to sadness. 

Indeed, my whole coaching surrounds this topic, which is why I tell you with confidence that you can become smarter and happier at the same time. You just need access to the right information, which is available in abundance at Optimal Happiness.

Picture of Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo wasn't always happy and struggled with his own negative emotions, anxieties, and depression, until one day he pledged to resolve this part of life, whatever it took. The journey took 6 years, but it was worth it. Today, Roman considers himself to be one of the happiest people alive, part of the 1% of the happiest elite, and he now teaches others a working and universal happiness formula to reach a similar goal. He offers his best advice on Optimal Happiness social media, newsletter, blog, and books, and teaches a complete and unconditional happiness formula in his online courses.

“The problem is that of optimization,” states Roman Russo, author of Optimal Happiness: The Fastest & Surest Way To Reach Your Happiest Potential. There is plenty of advice on how to be happier or less sad, but no one is speaking about how to become the happiest we can be. And this is the difference that makes all the difference. By not looking at our maximum potential for happiness, we fall short of achieving it. After all, we all have hundreds of ideas on how to be happier or less sad, but most people still feel like they are not living their best lives. As such, Optimal Happiness explores the question of how to be the happiest we can be, regardless of who we are, where we are from, and what our life circumstances are. It proposes a complete and unconditional formula for happiness and explains how you too can become happy today and forever, inviting you to join the 1% happiness elite and become one of the happiest people alive.

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