Just noticed that there is a promotion on Amazon for my new book called Optimal Happiness: The Fastest & Surest Way to Reach Your Happiest Potential. Do you already have a copy?
Amazon is giving a 70% off discount on paperback, so only 4$! It is a limited time offer as I’m not sure how long this promotion will continue. Usually, a book costs 12.99$.
You can thank Amazon for this, as I don’t have anything to do with this promotion, nor will I ever sell my book for such a ridiculously cheap price…
Still, if Amazon wants to offer my book this cheap it’s on them. As an author, I’m still getting the full commission on every sale. I’m just a messenger and I thought I’d let you know!
Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9083101010 < US
On Amazon UK the discount is 30%, so before 12.99£ and now 9.99£, which is still a pretty good bargain.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/9083101010 < UK
Unfortunately, this promotion is only available on Amazon UK and US and it doesn’t exist in other markets, such as DE, IT, ES, FR, …
Optimal Happiness has a perfect 5 star review from all our readers. It is a hidden gem in non-fiction literature and it will definitely make you happy. If not, message us directly and I will give you your money back. This is how much I believe in Optimal Happiness.