Civil War: Coming Soon to the USA in 2024?

civil war

As you may know, there is an upcoming fictional movie called Civil War (2024) set to be released on April 12, 2024, a few months before the US 2024 election scheduled for November 5.

Before I continue, I want to clarify that this blog post is purely speculative and connects dots, specifically regarding the concept of Civil War and current events in the USA. I have received feedback suggesting that this blog post may be somewhat direct and lacking sensitivity, being too blunt. I want to reassure the reader that it is all a work of science fiction, a fabrication of my mind.

As such, the timing of this movie is significant as it taps into the current political tensions in the USA between the left and right political wings, with the right wing previously attempted some form of uprising on January 6, 2021, when the 45th U.S. President Donald Trump contested his loss to Joe Biden and expressed a desire to remain in power, challenging the democratic political structure of the USA.

Following Trump’s defeat, it was assumed that we would not hear from him again. However, he unexpectedly makes a comeback and emerges as a front runner in the 2024 election for the right-wing party, stirring concerns of repeating history.

Moreover, there is a significant issue of illegal immigration unfolding in Texas, with Governor Greg Abbott calling on the local National Guard to help defend the borders against an influx of people attempting to enter the USA illegally. Abbott has accused President Joe Biden of disregarding federal statutes related to the detention of illegal immigrants, leading to a clash between Texas’ constitutional authority and federal policies.

This rising tension is more than just political parties and people fighting, as states are openly defying decisions made by the nation’s leadership, indicating a lack of trust and acceptance of federal decisions. This decentralized approach is becoming more prevalent as states take matters into their own hands.

While addressing immigration issues is crucial, pushing back against immigrants without providing a real alternative for people who are trying to enter the US illegally could exacerbate problems and leave them vulnerable to exploitation by cartels. The systemic issues require a comprehensive and systematic approach, as the US historically played a role in destabilizing these regions.

Specifically, as stated in The Agency: A History of the CIA by Hugh Wilford, during the Cold War era, the USA fought the USSR to advance its interests globally by providing weapons, training, and intelligence to certain factions, overthrowing existing governments, fighting for allies, natural resources, global dominance, and otherwise engaging in political games. However, while the USA was ultimately a winner in the cold war, these actions ultimately had unintended historical consequences, leading to the destabilization of regions and the proliferation of weapons into the hands of non-state actors, resulting in modern-day gang problems in Latin America. And while some countries managed to recover from these interventions, Latin America specifically continues to face many historical challenges related to this part of its history.

There is a moral argument to be made for global cooperation and assistance to all, acknowledging that we share one planet and have a responsibility to help everyone in need. Engaging in a civil war would be detrimental to the USA, hindering its progress and impacting global stability.

Plus, a real Civil War would only serve to damage the USA in a way that would take decades to recover from, pushing it further away from the American Dream. Such a conflict would greatly impact the economy and cause many companies to exit the USA, making things worse before they get better. 

This is not to say that people don’t want tangible changes. However, before these changes can happen, the USA needs to be united internally, guided by higher values than their personal interests. This is partially how we got into this mess in the first place, with people promoting fighting for more power and influence, regardless of who else ultimately pays the price.

Still, for the time being, the USA must protect its interests and cannot accept an unlimited number of immigrants seeking a better life within its borders, as this could threaten national stability, there is also the belief that the nation was built on immigrants and that people have a right to move if they choose. This debate further divides people as some see immigrants as job stealers and a cause of economic instability.

However, given the upcoming 2024 election, increasing tensions between political parties, general instability, and easy access to firearms nationwide, along with growing tensions on its borders, one could argue that the USA is not far from another Civil War. 

This begs the question: Is the upcoming movie merely fiction, or does it reflect a potential reality where a civil war is closer to home and could happen at any moment?

Picture of Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo: Author of Optimal Happiness

Roman Russo wasn't always happy and struggled with his own negative emotions, anxieties, and depression, until one day he pledged to resolve this part of life, whatever it took. The journey took 6 years, but it was worth it. Today, Roman considers himself to be one of the happiest people alive, part of the 1% of the happiest elite, and he now teaches others a working and universal happiness formula to reach a similar goal. He offers his best advice on Optimal Happiness social media, newsletter, blog, and books, and teaches a complete and unconditional happiness formula in his online courses.

9 thoughts on “Civil War: Coming Soon to the USA in 2024?”

  1. It’s a fictional show yep. Minus the actions of the few proper psychopathological shit hats(people who take off their hats, shit in them, put them back on their head; and smile: aka politicians/lobbyists/corporations), most Americans find themselves in the envious/challenging position; of being too busy with providing for their families, and struggling to find true happiness in the face of copious fat, protein, sugar, and cheap entertainment.
    The culture war you see playing out in my country, is meant to divide, distract, and dominate the people, who don’t have enough clarity of purpose and meaning in their lives. It’s certainly working, but the pushback is happening already, so no Roman, no civil war here. Just a government hedging progressively towards oligarchy and authoritarianism, with every president; for over 30 years.

    1. Hehe, makes sense Benjamin. I often explore unrelated topics to get inspired and improve Optimal Happiness overall. I mean, sure, none of that is happening on a large scale right now, but it could potentially grow to be so, given already existing smaller-scale tensions related to political theater, a country being divided, gun-related violence, huge investments in military spending, tensions between different states, a cut-throat mentality between politicians, part of population that is more than happy to continue to play along with whatever politicians say, and a host of other issues, which don’t necessarily exist in other parts of the world, or if they do, then on a much smaller scale.

      1. I agree that strife and conflict, “could potentially grow”…but the smallest part of my path towards happiness is rooted in words and thoughts that build it. I appreciated your article as a Birds Eye from afar. Nice to hear what people from other places see, in case I’ve missed something. Confusing the people with the actions of its government is a common misconception. Looking at the band of war across Africa, through the Middle East, and into Russia, I see what you’re describing as current events across the Eastern Hemisphere. The last sentence of your comment is further false in my opinion, as no, people here are not “happy to play along with whatever politicians say”. It depends upon the individual in question, and our family structure here makes us individualistic. In this age of digital technology, anomie is bound to creep in, but I have faith in the need of humans for a sense of belonging, and the constant empty dopamine hits here; are making my people hungrier for true unity. We are divided by distance, but at the core of the people here; is a shared identity that crosses sociopolitical and cultural borders. This countries strength is rooted in its youth, and not having the ancient class divisions, religious wars, and conflicts over borders of Europe and Asia. Immigrants who come here are happy to get away from that, and the people who were born here, don’t have their elders whispering ancient grievances in their ears; so they tend towards immediate action when that old foreign ideology appears. For your further inspiration, “In a 1925 survey of American farms: 18%had a car, 12%had electricity, 6%had indoor plumbing, and 30%had a tractor”. “Total horsepower from tractors did not exceed horsepower from horses till 1945”. Hopefully this action towards making the world a better place brought you happiness, as it did for me.

        1. You are absolutely correct, Benjamin. I think my words can be perceived as misleading and creating a darker image of reality than what it really is. I mean, this is why I always suggest people not to watch TV, social media, news, horror movies, and the like. Simply put, there is already too much negativity in the world today, and I should know better than to add more logs to that fire. After all, I do know that some people enjoy reading my blog because it is positive and gives them hope, so perhaps in the future, I should steer clear of certain topics, not because they are necessarily wrong, but because they are just not tailored enough for the message I want to convey (something to consider). Still, as the USA is one of the biggest economies in the world, and what happens there affects everyone globally, I just hope the USA can also be a shining beacon of hope and prosperity, setting an example for other countries of what to do and what not to do. I know this may seem like an idealistic view of reality, but we can always hope!

  2. Thank you Roman. I live here and am not trying to refute that the USA is struggling financially, culturally, and spiritually. I don’t think that you delving into the very real potential of societal collapse into war, is contrary to your purpose of pursuing happiness. In the words of one of our best cultural icons here, “Without the rain there wouldn’t be rainbows” -Dolly Parton-. I believe that struggle makes people stronger, and in the health benefits of exposure to the things that scare the living daylights out of you….but as you said, I don’t recommend horror flicks; because they’re designed to scare you as much as possible. The growth that comes from exposure to things that scare you, is to me, metered out in healthy doses that you can handle practically. That’s a tall order though, requiring a solution oriented unbiased representation of the risks. Again as you said, fanning the fire of people’s discontent is so common on these platforms, and the news cycle is a flurry of that. I thirst for visions from brilliant people like you, that solve the happiness equation; and I was upset by the article because it didn’t cast rainbows, like a crystal hanging in the window of my soul. You’ll have to forgive my sensitivity to the unspoken words between the words, because I’m writing about that here. The mojo, the juju, and the joy in the things you didn’t write. Thank you again for your ongoing full engagement here in the comments section. I know I ask a lot, and I value your opinion more than most because you reciprocate with wisdom and meaning. This was off the cuff this morning, as the plethora of things I cut from my original comment draft that began to look like a chapter, were motivated by the original feeling I got at the end of your article after reading it three times through. Thank you again for your heartfelt response. Don’t change a thing, or add more. I’m content with the reflections here in the comments as a beacon of hope for my country people. Let me know if you want me to paste my original passionately frustrated comment in full.
    This engagement here inspired me to light my sauna up, I think a good sweat might fix my momentary ornery ego urge to (hopefully constructively) criticize your mojo.

    1. Agreed, Benjamin. I know this blog is supposed to be about the pursuit of happiness (although I offer an added bonus of actually having found it, hehe). However, it is also important to address the negative side of the equation, something I’ve done in this current blog post. It is true that talking about negativity can be an endless pursuit, which is why traditional psychology (that addresses all the negative feelings) never really made us happy. Therefore, maybe I should exclusively focus more on the positive side of equation, going beyond positive psychology (which also didn’t provide the final answer to happiness) into the realm of Optimal Happiness.

      I like the saying “Without the rain, there wouldn’t be rainbows.” I might just write a blog post about it!

      Struggle does make people stronger, and there is growth that comes from exposure to things that scare us. However, realistically speaking, we don’t need to be struggling, negative, and afraid to grow (not that you are so), as we can grow while being happy, which is by far more efficient. The only question then becomes what exactly do we need to grow fastest in the right direction, personally and socially.

      Thanks again, and alright, I won’t change much of my content, only if I see that it can be somehow improved, as it happens sometimes, especially to the older blog posts.

      1. For the sake of accuracy, I looked up Dolly’s quote, and got mixed results. It probably came to her as folk wisdom in the tradition of metaphorical speech of the Southern United States. The plethora of idioms there are part of the charm of that part of the country (to use the accent properly they’re spoken slowly with a twang) like, “she is so pretty, she could fall into a bucket of slop, and come out smelling like a rose”……It would surprise me though if you weren’t able to throw darts blindfolded at a world map, and find parallel metaphors from wherever they land on the globe.
        Dolly’s a cultural icon here representing Southern kindness, generosity, and happiness. For accuracy she said: “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
        This one popped up as anonymous but rings similar:
        “Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.
        And finally Maya Angelou appeared with, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Discovering Maya again made me want to read her memoir, “Rainbow in the Cloud”.

        1. Indeed, Benjamin, your point is well taken. Looking for something good in something bad, or finding a silver lining in tough situations, is a valuable perspective. As Ralph Waldo Emerson beautifully stated, “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” However, I believe it is important to not only see the good in bad and bad in bad, but also acknowledge the good in good and bad in good. By taking this comprehensives view, we can gain a deeper understanding of life and existence.

          Upon conducting such an analysis, I have come to the conclusion that the most favorable outcome is indeed focusing on the good in good. This approach can be so powerful that it outweighs any potential benefits of dwelling on negativity or embracing unhappiness. Even the potential downsides of excessive happiness, such as recklessness, can be outweighed by the overwhelming positive impact of pursuing happiness wholeheartedly. Therefore, it is wise to prioritize and actively seek happiness, as it ultimately leads to the most beneficial results. I hope this perspective resonates with you.

“The problem is that of optimization,” states Roman Russo, author of Optimal Happiness: The Fastest & Surest Way To Reach Your Happiest Potential. There is plenty of advice on how to be happier or less sad, but no one is speaking about how to become the happiest we can be. And this is the difference that makes all the difference. By not looking at our maximum potential for happiness, we fall short of achieving it. After all, we all have hundreds of ideas on how to be happier or less sad, but most people still feel like they are not living their best lives. As such, Optimal Happiness explores the question of how to be the happiest we can be, regardless of who we are, where we are from, and what our life circumstances are. It proposes a complete and unconditional formula for happiness and explains how you too can become happy today and forever, inviting you to join the 1% happiness elite and become one of the happiest people alive.

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