
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

Psychology of Happiness

Psychoanalysis of Personal Sense of Well-Being

​​Tonight I had a dream where I witnessed an alien invasion apocalypse. In it, a small group of survivors, including myself, were fighting for their lives, but losing. After waking

Optimal Happiness, starving child in Africa
Psychology of Happiness

Most Common Objection to Optimal Happiness

By far, one of the most common objections to Optimal Happiness states something among these lines: “How will Optimal Happiness help a starving children in Africa? or “How will Optimal

Happiness is boring
Psychology of Happiness

Happiness is Boring, Scientists Report

Happiness is boring, scientists claim, but not for the reason you might suspect. Rather the science studying happiness believe is that happiness is very predictable in terms of its positive

elusive happiness
Psychology of Happiness

Happiness is NOT Elusive: Here is Why

I can’t tell you how often I hear people say that happiness is elusive, impossible, and that we shouldn’t even try to be happy. People (and even happiness experts) state

Happiness Is Not Individualistic
Psychology of Happiness

Why Happiness is Not Subjective and Individualistic

Often, people tell me that happiness is impossible because it is subjective and individualistic experience. In other words, we are all different, we all want different things, we have different