In my opinion, certain things should never be said. I don’t care how hurt, disrespected, or otherwise negative we become. There are things that just can’t be said, things like:
– I want to kill myself
– You should kill yourself
– He or she deserves this and much worst
– Then we go to war
– I now have reasons to use an atomic bomb
Some people just don’t seem to understand it or they don’t believe in limits or self-control. So they say things that they can’t take back. But what we say matters.
Some people hold on to the words for years, being haunted by them, and being destroyed by them. Later, they might see me and talk to me about what someone said, all along I’m thinking that in no situation no one should have said that.
People just don’t have the right. It’s not just something casual, like a walk in a park. We can’t just take it back. We can’t unsay it.
Some people should learn to keep their mouths shut and walk away rather than say something faul.
The bottom line is, we need to think before we speak, and there are certain categories of things that should never be said, no matter what happens and how bad things get. Period.