
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

Psychology of Happiness

Dark Humor Is A Sign Of Unhappiness?

Learn about the surprising link between dark humor and happiness, and why the use of dark humor might reveal underlying symptoms of unhappiness.

Psychology of Happiness

Can You Die From Depression? Science-Based Evidence

Although it can certainly feel that way, especially when we are depressed, we cannot die from depression, unhappiness, and other negative emotions. However, these emotions can have a profound and

Psychology of Happiness

Overcoming Cherophobia: The Fear Of Being Happy

Cherophobia is fear of being happy or phobia of happiness. It is a condition where people avoid positive emotions because they perceive them to be negative and outright dangerous. There

Happiness is the #1 Goal
Psychology of Happiness

Why Happiness Is The #1 Goal in Life

Before, I didn’t know that happiness was important, let alone that it is the #1 goal in life. This realization didn’t come to me overnight, as it took me some

Happiness Coach
Psychology of Happiness

5 Common Misconceptions About Happiness Coaches

Happiness coaches are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people seek out professional guidance on how to lead a happier life. Despite the growing trend towards seeking happiness coaching,

Psychology of Happiness

If You Aren’t Holding It, You Don’t Have It

Imagine, you are at the final stage of a job interview. Everything is going amazing and the recruiter promised you a position. You just need something minor, such as signing

Don't say this
Psychology of Happiness

Don’t Say This, No Matter How Bad It Gets

In my opinion, certain things should never be said. I don’t care how hurt, disrespected, or otherwise negative we become. There are things that just can’t be said, things like:

optimal happiness, motivation is like math
Psychology of Happiness

13 Mathematical Formulas That Will Make You Happy

For those of us interested in mathematics, I propose 13 happiness formulas that will forever change your life. These formulas will teach you how to look at something so ambiguous

Books and happiness
Psychology of Happiness

Read Books If You Want to Be Happy

In April, 2017, I attended a three-day workshop called Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins and Joseph McClendon III. Of course, if you know Tony Robbins, you may not