
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

My 6 Pack Is Not Enough

My 6 Pack Is Not Enough

I am happy to announce that I have a 6 pack publicly. I am, however, saddened to say that it is not enough. For years, I was pursuing the idea

Spirituality & Happiness

Why I Became a Buddhist

I was born and raised as an atheist, but soon I started to ask myself why we have religion in the first place and why this irrational institution persists and

Religious tolerance illustration
Spirituality & Happiness

Religion, Just in Case it is True

There is a great deal of discussion surrounding the topic of which religion, if any, is correct. While I do not have a definitive answer, I have a few ideas

Comparison Is The Thief of Joy
Psychology of Happiness

Comparison Is The Thief of Joy

In the book How to Make Yourself Miserable by Dan Greenburg, the author talks state that comparison is the fastest way to become unhappy. To this degree, I propose an exercise:


Overpopulation is Making Us Unhappy

If you follow my work, you will often hear me say overpopulation is a number one world leading problem today. Statistically, it is estimated that there are 7 billion people.

Emotionally Numb vs. Overly Emotional People, happy sad face
Psychology of Happiness

Emotionally Numb vs. Overly Emotional People

A story about emotionally numb and overly emotional people is a story about myself and my struggles. How I Realized, I Am Emotionally Numb At the age of 26, I

Extreme Behavior, man wearing a creepy mask
Goals, Growth, & Happiness

Guide to Understanding Peoples Extreme Behavior

People with extreme behaviors can make us uncomfortable, scared, and confused. Therefore, living in a world with 7 billion people, there is a good change we will run into these

30 Day Challenge. Throw Away 1 Thing Per Day

Throw Away 1 Thing Per Day: 30 Day Challenge

Our 30 day challenge starts with a modern day problem called materialism, to which a solution is to throw away 1 thing per day. How Materialism Adds Up (More, Better,

optimal happiness, IMG_5953-002
Goals, Growth, & Happiness

Endless Search For Beauty, Perfection, & Happiness

Meanwhile, Marketing offers us something, which is still scarce in our society – beauty. Take, for example, Bollywood. People like to watch movies with dancing, singing, and beautiful dresses because