
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

elusive happiness
Psychology of Happiness

Happiness is NOT Elusive: Here is Why

I can’t tell you how often I hear people say that happiness is elusive, impossible, and that we shouldn’t even try to be happy. People (and even happiness experts) state

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas Holidays, Happiness, Retail Therapy
Money & Happiness

How Retail Therapy Will Affect Your Happiness

In the aftermath of the 2001 September 11 attacks, often referred to as 9/11, George W. Bush told people to “go shopping,” acknowledging the positive influence of retail therapy on our overall

universal basic income
Money & Happiness

Universal Basic Income In Favor Of Our Well-Being

I was first introduced to Universal basic income from a book by James Carroll called Utopia Now. Here, basic income refers to a government’s subsidiary program where citizens are given a certain

Happiness Is Not Individualistic
Psychology of Happiness

Why Happiness is Not Subjective and Individualistic

Often, people tell me that happiness is impossible because it is subjective and individualistic experience. In other words, we are all different, we all want different things, we have different

11 Good Things Come From Coronavirus

11 Good Things Come From Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I’m sick and tired of hearing why coronavirus (COVID-19) is terrible—enough bad news. Let’s look at what is right that can come out from all this situation. After all, there is no bad

How to Stop Worrying About Everything
Psychology of Happiness

Don’t Worry, Be Happy: The Happiness Formula

Did you know that the expression “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” originally comes from Indian mystic Meher Baba, but it is best known for Bobby McFerrin’s 1988 song with the same