
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

6th Love Language is Happiness
Relationships & Happiness

The 6th Love Language is Happiness

The 5 Love Languages is a theory that states that there are five general ways that romantic partners express and experience love. However, those who are familiar with this theory

New year resolution 2024
Goals, Growth, & Happiness

In 2024, If You Want Something, Go Get It

In 2024, we need to state our new year resolutions so passionately that it has no choice but to become a reality. So If You Want Something, Go Get It

Not-To-Do List
Goals, Growth, & Happiness

Not-To-Do List: Benefits of Writing It Out

It is not enough to have a to-do list, as it is equally, if not more important, to have a not-to-do list in order to be truly productive and happy.

don't give up
Goals, Growth, & Happiness

Stop Giving Up on Your Day Before You Even Start It

Sometimes, when we aren’t feeling good, even something small, like hearing someone arguing, an offhand comment, or accidentally breaking a glass, can destroy our mood, leading us to give up

Psychology of Happiness

Can I Be Negative & Happy?

Being a happiness coach comes with territory as people question if I’m really happy by looking at my words and opinions to try to predict my happiness.