
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

how much is enough more is less
Psychology of Happiness

How Much is Enough: When More is Less 

I remember walking into a tattoo studio and seeing all these people getting tattoos. I wondered if any of these clients had received a notice from the tattoo artist saying,

Depression Challenge
Goals, Growth, & Happiness

My 30-Day Depression Challenge: What I Learned

Yes, you read this correctly, I made a personal 30-day depression challenge, meaning that during these 30 days I made myself as depressed as possible, which is something interesting and

Do it yourself

12 Reasons to DIY Instead of Buy It

Buying something is easy, but it can also be expensive. On the other hand, here are 12 reasons why I prefer DIY over spending money.

regardless of how you fee
Goals, Growth, & Happiness

Push Forward Regardless Of How You Feel

Life is full of challenges and negativity. The cure for negativity is to push through regardless of how we feel, sometimes especially because you feel bad.

Goals, Growth, & Happiness

Productivity Hack: Listen to Audiobooks

Listening to audiobooks is a great life hack for being productive during dead pockets of time in our day, such as commuting, gym, or cooking.