
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

socrates happiness
Happiness Review

The Pursuit of Happiness According to Socrates

Socrates, the renowned Greek philosopher who resided in Athens from 469-399 BCE, was a strong advocate of the Socratic method. This method entailed engaging in thought-provoking dialogues with others to

Roman Russo
Happiness Review

5 Life Quotes by Roman Russo 

There was an unexpected benefit to writing my book on happiness and becoming an expert in this field. This benefit is writing some unique quotes that are uniquely associated with

happiness quotes
Happiness Review

100 All Time Best Happiness Quotes

Happiness quotes are short life lessons that have been taught to us by some of the wisest and most knowledgeable people who have ever lived, authorities on the topic of

Happiness AI
Happiness Review

What is Happiness According to AI?

AI is taking over the world, or is it now? Recently (since November 2020), we have experienced a huge international growth of AI products. Now, the question on everyone’s mind

Optimal Happiness Quotes by Leading Happiness Experts
Happiness Review

Optimal Happiness Quotes by Leading Happiness Experts

The following happiness experts have mentioned “Optimal Happiness” in their work. “Optimal Happiness” is a term that refers to the highest level of happiness that someone can achieve and maintain

Happiness Review

Happiness by Design by Paul Dolan (Book Review)

Today, we are reviewing Happiness by Design: Finding Pleasure and Purpose in Everyday Life, by Paul Dolan.  About Author Paul Dolan is a researcher and practitioner of happiness. He is

11 Best Books on Anti-Happiness Culture
Happiness Review

13 Best Books on Anti-Happiness Culture

Are you tired of happiness advice? Then, we got you covered with 11 best books on anti-happiness culture. You might be surprised to read about them in a blog called

Happiness Review

Blue Zones of Happiness – Book Review

What is the Blue Zone of Happiness? They are the geographical locations where there are substantial concentrations of something, in this case, the amount of Happiest people. These zones are