
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

Optimal Happiness Quotes by Leading Happiness Experts
Happiness Review

Optimal Happiness Quotes by Leading Happiness Experts

Martin Seligman, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and many other happiness experts mentioned “Optimal Happiness” in their work calling for universal use of this term. This article proposes to officially dub this term for further academic use.

Happiness Review

Happiness by Design by Paul Dolan (Book Review)

Today, we are reviewing Happiness by Design: Finding Pleasure and Purpose in Everyday Life, by Paul Dolan.  About Author Paul Dolan is a researcher and practitioner of happiness. He is

11 Best Books on Anti-Happiness Culture
Happiness Review

13 Best Books on Anti-Happiness Culture

Are you tired of happiness advice? Then, we got you covered with 11 best books on anti-happiness culture. You might be surprised to read about them in a blog called

Happiness Review

Blue Zones of Happiness – Book Review

What is the Blue Zone of Happiness? They are the geographical locations where there are substantial concentrations of something, in this case, the amount of Happiest people. These zones are