
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

forgive enemies
Psychology of Happiness

Stop Seeing Others as an Enemy

Today, my cleaning lady gave me that resting “I hate you” face. She seemed unhappy with me, my requests, her job, and her life, due to her life choices (I

Weekend Anxiety Syndrome
Psychology of Happiness

 Weekend Anxiety is a Thing? Why? How to Fix It?

The first time I heard about Weekend Anxiety Syndrome, I thought it was strange. However, the more I researched it, the more I understood and resonated with it. After all,

happiness drug
Psychology of Happiness

“Happiness? Do I Need To Take Drugs For That?”

When I tell people that I am a happiness coach, I get mixed reactions. One reaction is complete disbelief that something like that even exists, as people sarcastically and mockingly

Contentment and happiness
Psychology of Happiness

Stop Trying to Be Content When You Can Be Happy

Another pattern I have noticed recently is that many people are settling for wanting to be “content” instead of striving to be happy, claiming that contentment is a more realistic

Happiness Despite Everything
Psychology of Happiness

How To Be Happy, Everything Considered

One of the biggest problems I often hear when it comes to the question of happiness is that life is hard and people are struggling to find happiness. They still

how much is enough more is less
Psychology of Happiness

How Much is Enough: When More is Less 

I remember walking into a tattoo studio and seeing all these people getting tattoos. I wondered if any of these clients had received a notice from the tattoo artist saying,

happiness is possible
Psychology of Happiness

Unconditional Happiness Today And Forever Is Possible

Let’s conduct a happiness exercise right now, together. I ask you, the reader, to participate immediately and contemplate your answer to the following question seriously: – Do you believe that

Roman Russo
Happiness Review

The Happiest Man in the World: Roman Russo

Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Roman Russo, Founder, Author, and Chief Happiness Officer at Optimal Happiness. Due to increasing inquiries about my personal and professional lives,