
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

Psychology of Happiness

You’ve Been Lied To, So You Are Unhappy

If you are unhappy today, it is because, in many respects, you are living your life incorrectly or inefficiently. In other words, you have been purposefully or inadvertently misled from

happiness unhappiness
Psychology of Happiness

Happiness Cannot be Experienced Without Unhappiness?

Often, people tell me that happiness cannot be experienced without unhappiness, in many ways justifying existence and perpetuating negative emotions. What people don’t realize is that both happiness and unhappiness

You Only Live Once
Psychology of Happiness

Do Everything You Want To Do While You Can

This following blog post contains a message that is very dear to me. I keep conveying it to all my students repeatedly because, although the message may be perceived as

low self esteem
Psychology of Happiness

SOS Low Self-Esteem Survival Guide (Check-List)

Yesterday, I was lying in my bed and negative thoughts were going through my head about everything that I didn’t know, have, and wanted to achieve. In a word, I

feeling pain without suffering
Psychology of Happiness

Feeling Pain Without Suffering

Imagine you personally know me, we are on friendly terms, and you are feeling happy. Suddenly, I pinch your arm. This pinch will cause you a little bit of pain,

growth mindset vs fixed mindset
Psychology of Happiness

Growth Mindset Will Make You The Happiest

Today, my flatmate managed to annoy me to a point where I decided to write about it, which is something I do whenever I experience very strong positive and negative

Psychology of Happiness

Meeting Face to Face with a Roadman

Yesterday, I was riding peacefully on the London tube (aka metro) when I encountered a roadman, or rather, he encountered me. I was on the escalator on my way home,

Psychology of Happiness

Why I Love November

For the past 2-3 years, I’ve been saying that I love November. Not because it’s getting colder and there’s less daylight, or because I’m looking forward to Black Friday (29th

are you happy
Psychology of Happiness

“Are You Happy?” My Answer to This Question

As a happiness coach, one of the most common questions I get is, “Are you happy?” This is why today I want to answer this question in writing. This question

happiness is impossible
Psychology of Happiness

Is Happiness Impossible? And Is It a Wrong Goal?

Living in the age of a mental health epidemic where many people are struggling to be happy, and as a result, they start to believe that true and unconditional happiness