
Weekly Happiness Inspiration

Happiness in Russia Matreshka
Happiness Politics

Happiness in Russia: A Culture of Learned Pessimism

I first wrote “Happiness in Russia” on 31/01/2018, 4 years before the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. However, given the uncertain nature of the conflict, I tried to maintain

Psychology of Happiness

Meeting Face to Face with a Roadman

Yesterday, I was riding peacefully on the London tube (aka metro) when I encountered a roadman, or rather, he encountered me. I was on the escalator on my way home,

happiness quotes
Happiness Review

100 All Time Best Happiness Quotes

Happiness quotes are short life lessons that have been taught to us by some of the wisest and most knowledgeable people who have ever lived, authorities on the topic of

carrot and stick
Psychology of Happiness

Carrot and Stick: Story of Reward and Punishment

In Russia, which, unfortunately, has been too much in the news lately, there is a saying “hit your own [people] so others will be afraid [of you]” (бей своих, чтобы

World Happiness Report 2023
Happiness News

World Happiness Report 2023: 10 Main Insights

The World Happiness Report is an invaluable source of information that ranks 156 countries each year according to their levels of happiness. This report is based largely on data from